PEQVI® introduced this high-quality and cost-effective ‘microServo Voltage Controllers’ in the year 2009. Especially designed for manufacturers so as to reduce production overheads like wiring and testing when it is put on the servo voltage stabilizer. It greatly reduces labor costs and increases production rate of the voltage stabilizers.
The unit is designed with innovative software algorithms residing on latest technology MCU chips. The unit has a built-in driver that fully controls AC Synchronous Servo Motor; Protections for under voltage, over voltage and over load with time delays; Displays ‘Output Voltage’, ‘Input Voltage’, ‘Load Current’ and ‘Frequency’; Manual mode especially build for field testing.
Measuring just 96 x 96 x 110 mm, it takes relatively less space in your control panels.
On top, it’s completely programmable at your end with 2-Level password protection.